Children’s Workshop
Date: 3rd March, 10am-12pm
Time: 10am-12pm
Venue: PCAI Gallery & Studio: Shop 5 / 4-14 Hunter Street, Parramatta
Cost: $45 each
This workshop is designed for children who would like to create their own miniature
clay farm for growing succulents or herbs.
The miniature garden will be designed to contain 3 growing chambers with drainage
Using red terracotta, the pots will also be decorated with white slips, and garden
sprigs depicting insects and butterflies. The gardens will be dried, bisque and glaze
fired ready for collection in 3 weeks from date of workshop.
Children’s Workshop
Date: 10th March
Time: 10am-12pm
Venue: PCAI Gallery & Studio: Shop 5 / 4-14 Hunter Street, Parramatta
Cost: $45 each
The concept of this workshop is for children to design a funny faced pot to contain
soil from which to plant cress, alfalfa or other herbs, which become the pots head of
hair. The design of the planter will enable children to consider space, form and
function to hold the soil for the plant to thrive. The function of the pot becomes
aesthetically pleasing with addition of the hairdo which becomes edible!
The pots will be coloured if time permits using slips, then bisque fired and clear
They will be ready to collect in approximately 3 weeks from date of workshop.

Please fill in the form below to enroll in
Childrens Workshops
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Adults Program
Date: 3rd March
Time: 2pm-5pm
Venue: PCAI Gallery & Studio: Shop 5 / 4-14 Hunter Street, Parramatta
Cost: $80 each
Flatware vases and vessels are popular because they are both functional and
beautiful as free standing or wall vases for interior or exterior use.
In this workshop you will learn how to use cut slabs of clay in order to create the
The surface decoration of the form can be incised, cut, or embellished further with
the additions of clay pieces and sprigs. Finally you will have the opportunity to colour
and or draw on your flatware using paint on slips and oxides.
The work will then be dried, bisque fired and finally put through a glaze firing.
Your piece will be ready to collect in approximately 20 days.
Date: 10 March,
Time: 2pm-5pm
Venue: PCAI Gallery & Studio: Shop 5 / 4-14 Hunter Street, Parramatta
Cost: $80 each
In this workshop you will be designing and decorating a clay slab form. This can be
used as a wall plaque or a platter.
Initially the clay is rolled flat then inlayed using a range of coloured clays. Once the
design is formulated, the small pieces of coloured clays are rolled / imbedded into
the clay slab..
The piece is then dried ready for bisque firing and finally a clear glaze is applied and
the piece is refired, ready to collect in 3 weeks.

Pease fill in the form below to enroll in
Adult Workshops
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