July 31 to September 20
Enrollment details
PCAI offers a range of courses for all levels of participation: from beginners to ongoing and advanced wheelwork. Session times are offered in the day or evening.
Sessions Times: each course runs for 8 weeks, once per week, for x 3 hour duration.
Term Fees: cover tuition, basic materials and firings. More details regarding materials are listed below. Students are encouraged to purchase tool kits and brushes from our studio (at much discounted prices compared to retail outlets) or bring their own. Details regarding what to bring will be sent once enrolment is confirmed.
Please select your session times from the following options and proceed to the enrolment form and carefully read the Terms and Conditions of Enrolment.
Tuesday Morning Wheelwork and Hand building
Dates July 31 to September 18 (8 weeks)
Fully Booked – Join Waitlist
Time ` 10am to 1 pm
Tutor Peter Dwyer
This class will foster an understanding of basic ceramic techniques from hand-building to wheel throwing, and surface decoration using coloured slips, glazes, texture and incising. Ongoing Students will be nurtured to the next level of advancement in their ceramic journey
Level: It is open to all levels of ability from beginner to ongoing students.
Tuesday Evening Advanced Wheelwork and Hand building
Dates July 31 to September 18 (8 weeks)
Fully Booked – Join Waitlist
Time ` 6.30 to 9.30 pm
Tutor Di Turner
This class is designed for students who wish to further develop and extend their competency in wheel work and some hand-building projects. Students’ will be working with high temperature stoneware clay and glazes.
Level Requirement: Completed at least 3 Terms of tuition at PCAI or other Institute; demonstrated evidence of competency on the wheel and understanding of materials prior to enrolment in this class.
Wednesday Evening Hand building & Wheelwork
Dates August 1 to September 19 (8 weeks)
Fully Booked – Join Waitlist
Time ` 6.30 to 9.30 pm
Tutor Stefan Hiener
This class is has a focus on hand building and sculptural ceramics, and will also involve wheel work for those interested. Pieces are made and decorated using a variety of surface design techniques, texture, and colour, incising and glazing.
Level: It is open to all levels of ability from beginner to ongoing students.
Thursday Morning Wheelwork and Hand building
Dates August 2 to September 20 (8 weeks)
Fully Booked – Join Waitlist
Time ` 10 am to 1 pm
Tutor Stefan Hiener
This class will foster an understanding of basic ceramic techniques from hand-building to wheel throwing, and surface decoration using coloured slips, glazes, texture and incising. Ongoing Students will be nurtured to the next level of advancement in their ceramic journey
Level: It is open to all levels of ability from beginner to ongoing students.
Thursday Evening Wheelwork and Hand building
Dates August 2 to September 20 (8 weeks)
Fully Booked – Join Waitlist
Time ` 6.30 to 9.30 pm
Tutor Di Turner
This class will foster an understanding of basic ceramic techniques from hand-building to wheel throwing, and surface decoration using coloured slips, glazes, texture and incising. Ongoing Students will be nurtured to the next level of advancement in their ceramic journey
Level: It is open to all levels of ability from beginner to ongoing students.
Using the pottery wheel can be challenging physically for some with the following conditions: arthritis in or injury to hands; neck or back pain, reduced strength or limited motion in upper arms and shoulders; later trimester of pregnancy; Hip or Foot injury.
There are ways to modify the wheel throwing experience but please consider your physical capacity prior to enrolling in a wheel throwing class. We provide many options for hand building with clay as an alternative to the pottery wheel experience.
Please feel free to contact us to discuss any addition needs further, so we may be of assistance.
Your materials fee covers a bag of clay, coloured slips and glazes per student.
Additional materials such as underglaze and tissue transfers can be purchased from the studio and are not included in materials fee.
For home studio use Clay can be purchased from the studio at discounted prices however orders need to be placed in advance.
Extra firings
There will be a cost for bisque and glaze made outside of class time. Pieces can only be fired when kiln space is available as priority is given to PCAI enrolled student work.
If an excess of materials is used during class, students may be asked to refine their work and select only the best for firing or to pay an additional fee for kiln space and materials used.
Conditions of Enrolment, Parramatta Clay and Arts Inc. (PCAI)
Complete Online Enrolment Form
Please fill in all details on the Form to ensure PCAI can contact and confirm enrolment.
You will then be directed to a payment page.
Payment in FULL must be made at time of booking or your place is not confirmed.
Payment methods:
Direct Deposit: Parramatta Clay & Arts Inc BSB: 082401 Account No: 158500435
- PayPal: pa*******@gm***.com
Confirmation of Booking
Once the enrolment form and payment has been received you will receive a confirmation email. Details about our facility and what you need to bring to class will be sent closer to commencement date.
Cancellation/ Refund Policy
2 weeks notification prior to commencement of class is required if cancelling your enrolment. A $20 cancellation fee applies
As there is a large waiting list for classes, no refunds are available once class commences for missed classes or failure to attend. In dire personal circumstances a partial refund may be considered. Conditions apply. Students must contact Director immediately to be considered.
Gift Voucher
If you have received a Gift Voucher you still need to book into the program via the online Booking Form. So please don’t delay. Gift Vouchers are valid for 12 months from date of purchase. Instead of payment details simply place Gift Voucher number in Notes section of Form. Vouchers can be purchased via email.
Waiting List
Class sizes are limited to 10 to 12 persons per class and fill very fast. If classes are full, this will be advised on the online booking Form. Sometime places open, due to cancellation so please complete the waiting list details form. If a place opens when term has commenced you will be advised and pay a pro rata rate for remainder of classes.
Wait list is compiled in order of date and time of booking.
Also by filling in your name, we can better plan for classes next term.
Additional Needs and Physical ability
PCAI is an accessible venue for most although there is one step to the bathroom to navigate however a wheelchair accessible bathroom is available nearby.